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Being Lazy in Life
그림속의 꽃_빈센트 반 고흐_두번째 본문
__ 1편에서 이어집니다. 역시나 해바라기, 해바라기... 아래는 고흐가 동생에게 보낸 편지 중에 고갱과 같이 살았으면 하는 방을 장식하기 위해 큰 꽃, 즉 해바라기를 언급하고 있는 부분입니다.
I have three canvases going - 1st, three huge flowers in a green vase, with a light background, a size 15 canvas; 2nd, three flowers, one gone to seed, having lost its petals, and one a bud against a royal-blue background, size 25 canvas; 3rd, twelve flowers and buds in a yellow vase (size 30 canvas). The last one is therefore light on light, and I hope it will be the best. Probably I shall not stop at that. Now that I hope to live with Gauguin in a studio of our own, I want to make decorations for the studio. Nothing but big flowers. Next door to your shop, in the restaurant, you know there is a lovely decoration of flowers; I always remember the big sunflowers in the window there.
Vase wtih Asters and Phlox
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Summer - late, 1886
Van Gogh Museum
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe
Vase with Carnations
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Summer, 1886
Stedelijk Museum
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe
Vase with Carnations
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Summer, 1886
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Europe
Vase with Flowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: , 1886 - 87
Private collection
Flowers in a Blue Vase
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris, France: , 1886-87
Private collection
Vase with Flowers, Coffeepot and Fruit
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Spring, 1887
Von der Heydt-Museum
Wuppertal, Germany, Europe
Vase with Daisies and Anemones
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Summer, 1887
Kröller-Müller Museum
Otterlo, The Netherlands, Europe
Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Summer, 1887
Triton Foundation
The Netherlands, Europe
Vase with Liliacs, Daisies and Anemones
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Summer, 1887
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire
Geneva, Switzerland, Europe
Still LIfe with French Novels and a Rose
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Paris: Autumn, 1887
The Robert Holmes à Court Collection
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Three Sunflowers in a Vase
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: August, 1888
Private Collection
United States of America, Europe
Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles, France: August, 1888
National Gallery
London, United Kingdom, Europe
Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles, France: January, 1889
Van Gogh Museum
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe
Vase with Fifteen Flowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles, France: January, 1889
Sompo Japan Museum of Art
Tokyo, Japan, Asia
Vase with Five Sunflowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: August, 1888
Destroyed by fire in the Second World War
Majolica Jug with Wildflowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: May, 1888
The Barnes Foundation
Merion Station, Pennsylvania, United States of America, North America
Bowl with Daisies
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: May, 1888
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Richmond, Virginia, United States of America, North America
Vase with Oleanders
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: August, 1888
Location unknown; possibly stolen in 1944
Vase with Oleanders and Books
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: August, 1888
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, New York, United States of America, North America
Vase with Zinnias
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: August, 1888
Collection Basil P. and Elise Goulandris
Lausanne, Switzerland, Europe
Vase with Twelve Sunflowers
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Arles: August, 1888
Neue Pinakothek
Munich, Germany, Europe
그림속의 꽃_빈센트 반 고흐_첫번째
유명한 화가들의 그림은 자의 반 타의 반으로 편식하기가 쉽다. 대표작이 아닌 그림들은 어디서도 보기가 쉽지 않기 때문이다. 반 고흐의 정물화 중에는 해바라기와 아이리스가 유명하다.
그림속의 꽃_빈센트 반고흐_세번째
__2편에서 이어집니다. 아래 글은 반 고흐가 태어난 조카를 위해 Blossoming Almond Trees라는 그림을 그리고 있다고 그의 엄마에게 보내는 편지 중의 일부입니다. I should have greatly preferred..
그림속의 꽃_빈센트 반 고흐_네번째
_ 3편에서 이어집니다. 1890년 오베르쉬즈오와즈에서 반 고흐는 권총 자살합니다. 아래 글은 동생 테오가 어머니에게 보내는 편지 중의 일부입니다. Today I received your letter and the one from Wil, and..
프랑스 오베르쉬르와즈(Auvers-sur-Oise)
2020년 7월 추가: 여행을 하면서 '운이 좋다'라는 말을 제일 많이 하는 편이다. 여행을 할 때 제일 긍정적이 되는 편이랄까... 배낭여행일 경우에는 한 곳에 오래 머무르지 않기 때문에 그때그때의
'좋아합니다' 카테고리의 다른 글
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